Rules And Forms

How to pay:
Okay, so you can pay me however you want. You can pay me with a coupon you have, (visit the Coupon tab) Or you could add me and give me a gift, or you can give me a fairy forest item. I give free discounts to close friends!! But don't friend me just so you can get a discount. If you are short on beads or passes then message me and i can give a free one. Anyways. If you are less than 10 days connected then your layout is free.

1. Pay your FULL payment.
2. Fill out the form.
3. Do not claim as your own.
4.Do not complain about your layout. Just PM me and i will give you a new FREE one.
5. Be respectful to me. I work hard for you!!

1. What background do you want?
 2. What topics do you want in your squares?:
3. Squares, or circles?:
4.  What do you want the top of your presentation to say?
5. How will you pay?
6. Do you want your scroll boxes invisible or visible? If visible what color?: 
 ** PM me the form. It will get to me faster.My username on babydow is Kara435367